Planning Ahead of the Hurricane in Hollywood, FL

As much as we love the ocean, it can also be a massive force to be reckoned with. During hurricane season especially, it’s important to have a plan—not just for you and your family, but your furry family, too! Let our animal hospital help you plan for the worst and ensure that your pet remains healthy (and safe) through it all.

Hurricane Pet Safety

Your pet’s needs are similar to yours: they require food, water, and shelter. However, unlike you, they don’t always understand the situation. Storms can frighten them. Also, being taken from their home in the case of evacuation can cause more stress and anxiety. They rely on you to be the voice of calm—literally.

When handling your pet in an emergency situation, it’s best to use a calming tone of voice, as well as gentle controlled movements so as not to increase their anxiety. And it’ll help the rest of your family as well! If you would like to know more about soothing your pet’s anxiety during a storm, talk to your veterinarian.

Additionally, just as you might have an emergency kit ready to go for yourself, you should put one together for your pet, too! Here is a list of things you can include:

  • Updated records of your pet’s vaccinations. Should you need to take them to a shelter, the shelter will likely require their paperwork.
  • Identification records
  • Food and water
  • Medication if your pet takes any
  • Collar or muzzle and leash
  • Puppy pads or newspaper
  • Plastic bags
  • Litter box for your cat

Furthermore, it’s a good idea to always have a collar on their neck that lists all their ID information. A few recent photos of them doesn’t hurt, too, in case they do get lost during the storm.

Keep in Mind

Whether you decide to weather the storm or need to evacuate, your pet will likely be anxious. It’s a good idea to keep them close to you, either in a crate, carrier, or on a leash. A frightened animal could act out or bolt and keeping them close to you will help maintain their calm. If you have any questions or concerns about your pet’s safety during hurricane season, please don’t hesitate to give us a call or ask at your next visit!