Pests come in all shapes and sizes. While mosquitoes are one of the most dangerous due to the diseases they spread, ticks can also pose a significant threat to our health and safety. At our animal hospital, tick protection is a big part of disease prevention as a whole. Parasites are tiny and resilient, making them difficult to control. Fortunately, we can give you the tools and information you need to keep your household (and everyone in it) safe.
Ticks Found in Florida

Here are the types of ticks you can find in Florida:
- Blacklegged tick (also called the deer tick)
- Lone Star tick
- American dog tick
- Gulf Coast tick
- Bont tick (not native to Florida, but can be brought over from the Caribbean)
The Diseases They Can Spread
Not every tick carries disease-causing agents, and not every tick bite results in an infection. However, knowing what diseases certain ticks might be capable of transmitting can save you and your pets a lot of trouble in the long run.
- Lyme disease – transmitted by the blacklegged tick
- Ehrlichiosis/anaplasmosis – transmitted by the Lone Star tick
- Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF) – transmitted by the American dog tick
- R. parkeri rickettsiosis – a less severe form of spotted fever transmitted by the Gulf Coast tick
Preventing Tick Bites
The key to preventing infection from a tick-borne disease is to prevent ticks from biting altogether.
- If your pet is not taking parasite preventatives already, ask your veterinarian for their recommendation—dogs and cats both need preventatives that protect them against ticks.
- Keep grass short and trim the shrubs and trees around your home so that any ticks balancing on the leaves or branches will not be able to attach to passersby (including you and your pets).
- Stay on cleared paths and trails if you’re hiking with your pet—ticks dwell in low vegetation and tall grasses.
- Treat your clothing and any other gear you have with permethrin.
- Use bug repellent that contains about 20-30% DEET.
- Regularly check yourself and your pets for ticks after spending time outside.
- If you suspect that there are ticks in any clothes, blankets, etc., wash them in hot water and dry on high heat for at least 10 minutes to kill the ticks.