Halloween Pet Safety
Whether your pet is a little troublemaker or as mellow as can be, Halloween can be hazardous to their health in a variety of ways. That’s why our animal hospital wants to remind you about all the dangers that can be lurking around. Get cozy and take a moment to review our Halloween pet safety tips below.

- Got candy? Keep all sweets stored where your pet can’t reach them. At the least, consuming candy can give your pet an upset stomach, but certain ingredients in certain treats can potentially be life-threatening. This includes any sugar-free treats, which contain an ingredient called xylitol. Be mindful when you’re snacking on candy or handing it out to trick-or-treaters!
- Throw away wrappers and other non-edible candy leftovers as soon as possible. Pets can easily choke on plastic wrappers, bags, sticks from lollipops, and more.
- Don’t use real flame candles—ever. We know they look great on Halloween, but they are also not worth the risk. Accidents do happen, especially with pets who do not know the dangers of fire hazards. There are plenty of artificial candle options in stores that look just as nice!
- Consider passing up on fake spiderwebs, which can quickly become a tangled mess and become a choking hazard for your pet to boot. Fake spiderwebs are also harmful to wildlife if it’s used outside; birds and other small animals can get tangled in the webbing and become injured.
- Any pet can become the target of unfriendly pranksters, but black cats are much more vulnerable. If you’re lucky enough to share your home with a black feline, make sure to keep them safely inside with you.
- Does the sound of the doorbell or knocking at the front door stress your pet out? Consider keeping them in a closed room with their bed, toys, fresh water, and some treats to help them stay calm. If your pet is crate trained, make that their safe spot. Check on your pet regularly to make sure they’re doing OK.
If you’re ever uncertain about what’s safe for your pet and what isn’t, you can always contact our animal hospital and speak with our team or your veterinarian to get more information.